Swedish Hand Ball
-Set up the area as above.
-2 teams trying to keep possession.
-Possession is in hands, but before a player catches the ball they must control it first (chest-catch, thigh-catch etc).
-The opposition only have to catch to steel possession.
-Failure to control the ball first or dropping the ball results in turnover of possession.
-Give players the choice to either control and catch the ball to secure possession, or pass the ball to a team mate using one touch.
-If a player receives a one touch pass they can either secure the ball, score one touch, or pass it again using one touch.
American Football
-Set up the area as above.
-To score a point the team in possession must run the ball over the end line.
-Each team has 3 plays. The ball is thrown to the quarter back and then players disperse (Length/Width and Depth).
-Ball and player can move multi-directional.
-If a team drop the ball possession turns over.
-The opposition can only stop play, when they tag the player in possession of the ball.
-If they manage to tag the player with the ball, play stops and players huddle up. The team in possession now have 2 plays left and so on.
Classic Throw Head Catch
-Set up the area as above.
-2 teams trying to score.
-The team in possession move towards the goal using the throw, head and catch sequence.
-Player A throws the ball, Player B has to head the ball either back to player A, to another player or for goal.
-The team intercepting can just catch it and then the rules in possession apply for them.
-Decision making in abundance
-Group cohesion
-Low to high intensity