Session 1. 

Intense, Enjoyable Session Starters


  • Set up the practice as shown in the diagram.
  • Change the distance depending on your aims.


  • Blues defend and whites attack 1v1.
  • The blue defender passes the ball to white to start the practice.
  • The whites then pass the ball around the mannequins.
  • They must follow their pass.
  • As the ball is going round the circuit the blue defender moves forward to have a fight 1v1.


  • Change the angle of approach for defenders and attackers.
  • Change the passing patterns.


Session 2. 

Intense, Enjoyable Session Starters


  • Set up the practice as shown in the diagram.
  • Change the distance depending on your aims.


  • The whites on either side of the 18 yard box start the practice.
  • Each side go through a passing pattern and work the ball to the top.
  • The whites follow their pass.
  • When they get to the top there is now a 2v1 towards the goal.
  • There are no bibs as it would slow the session down.
  • Two white attackers fight against one white defender.
  • Whoever has the final shot at goal or loses possession become the defender for the next 2v1 whilst the remaining defender and attacker join either side for the process to continue.


  • Change the numbers, patterns etc.

You can also view the coaching equipment that can be used in these sessions.

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