by Robert Tejero | Oct 20, 2016
Players: 12 players + 2 Goalkeepers What you’ll need: Cones, balls, bibs and 2 goals. Exercise description: Red team play the ball to blue team and then they will go to press. Blue team can play together or they can pass to the pivots and attack. The aim is to score a...
by Robert Tejero | Oct 20, 2016
Players: 8 players (4 inside + 4 outside) + 1 Goalkeeper What you’ll need: Cones, balls, bibs,1 goal and 2 mini-goals Exercise description: The reds start with the ball and pass it to a player on the yellow team Reds will press the ball to avoid the attack Yellow team...
by Robert Tejero | Oct 14, 2016
Players: 4 players + 2 Coaching Assistants split into 2 groups Playing area: One half of the pitch What you’ll need: Cones, balls and 4 mini-goals Exercise description: Player 1 passes the ball to the coach assistant and runs towards him The defender runs behind the...
by Robert Tejero | Oct 5, 2016
Players: 4 players + 1 Goalkeeper Playing area: Zone 1: 2 Defenders Zone 2: 2 Attackers What you’ll need: Cones, balls, bibs and a goal Exercise description: Players will be 1v1 in each zone. Goalkeeper kicks the ball to the zone 2. Defenders in zone 2 fight for the...
by Robert Tejero | Oct 5, 2016
Players: 4 players + 1 Goalkeeper Playing area: Zone 1: 1 Attacker, 1 Defender and 1 Goalkeeper Zone 2: 2 Attackers What you’ll need: Cones, balls, bibs and a goal Exercise description: Coach throws the ball with his hands to the defence and the attacker (zone1). If...
by Robert Tejero | Sep 27, 2016
Players: 3 players + 1 Goalkeeper Playing area: Zone 1: 1 Defender and 1 Goalkeeper Zone 2: 2 Attackers What you’ll need: Cones, balls and a goal Exercise description: 1. Coach throws the ball with his hands to the defence (zone 1). 2. The defender clears the...