Steve B The Groundhopper

I began the blog at the start of the 2011/12 season.
Partly to teach myself a bit about blogging and using social media, and partly because I’d been groundhopping for so long I thought I could offer something a bit different. Most groundhopping blogs, back then at least, were about visits to top-level grounds, whereas I was mostly watching football at much lower levels.
“The original idea was to do a blog for just a season, but the feedback was positive and I got more visitors to the site than I’d expected, so I’ve kept it going ever since.”
I try to keep the words to a minimum, knowing most readers’ attention spans are likely to be as short as mine, and the lack of a fancy camera means I take photos that show the ground rather than the action. It’s a simple format but the last thing I’d want is for it
Any spelling mistakes or typos are likely to be the result of blogging after a glass or two of wine, and attendance figures are my headcounts or estimates (official figures used if available).
Be sure to check out the Steve B The Groundhopper website & Twitter page @steveb2307