Players: 8 players (4 inside + 4 outside) + 1 Goalkeeper
What you’ll need: Cones, balls, bibs,1 goal and 2 mini-goals
Exercise description:
- The reds start with the ball and pass it to a player on the yellow team
- Reds will press the ball to avoid the attack
- Yellow team can play 2 v 2 or pass the ball to their pivots (3 & 4)
- Yellows can only score in the mini-goals
- If the reds win the ball can play with their pivots (3 & 4) or take a shot at the main goal
- Pivots can only make one touch
- Press the ball
- Cut the pass line
- Turn quickly if the the opponent team play with the pivots
- Attacking movement
- One touch passing
Try to avoid:
- Selfish play