The possession games below will help your team retain possession of the ball, even while under pressure.
Drill 1.
-Set up the area as above suiting the needs of your players and numbers available.
-Good ball supply
-Two teams battle in the middle.
-Blues shoot in one goal with whites in the other.
-On the coaches command the goal keepers swap goals meaning the game is played up and down the pitch.
-The coach can change as many times as they like.
-Once a team scores the goal keepers change goals. It is then the first team to score two goals in succession wins the game.
Drill 2.
-Set up the area as above suiting the needs of your players and numbers available.
-Good ball supply.
-The blues must score in either of the little goals at the bottom.
-The whites must score in either of the goals at the top.
-Once a team scores they now take control of the big goal.
-The team to score in the big goal wins the game.
-If the whites take control of the big goal and then the blues score in the small goal they then take control of the big goal.
-The whites would then have to score in the little goals again to take control.
-I usually play first to win 5 matches.
The football equipment used in this training drill includes footballs and football goals, both available here at Discount Football Kits.