Play like Iceland – Crossing and Finishing



  • 1 Goalkeeper
  • 2 Wingers to cross the ball
  • 3 players in the possession square.
  • Possession square – approx. 15 by 15

The 3 players in the square is to keep passing and moving in the box when the coach shouts go, one of the players in the possession square will play the ball out wide to one of the wingers, the winger will use a type of cross to cross the ball in.

The 3 players that were in the possession square will make three movement in the box to finish the ball in the back of the net.

Types of cross and movement in the box

  • Cut back
  • Drilled
  • Curled
  • Lofted


  • Front post run
  • Back post run
  • Penalty spot run


2 – Opposed crossing and finishing


  • Goalkeeper
  • 1 Defender
  • 2 Wingers
  • 2 Strikers
  • 1 Midfielder
  • Possession box – approx. 15 by 15
  • 1 Goal
  • 3 cones in a shape of a triangle just off the 18-yard box

Aim of the game is there is 4 players in the possession box, 1 defender, the attacking team needs to make 4 passes then they can play out to one of the strikers,

One striker will come and show for the ball, the midfielder will show off to angle to receive the ball to play to the other striker, the striker will then play it out to one of the wingers.

The winger will then use a type of cross to cross the ball, then the 2 striker and midfielder with make 3 movements to go and finish the cross off.


3 – Game related crossing and finishing


  • 2 teams
  • 2 Goalkeepers
  • 2 Neutral players
  • 2 N-zone channels

The aim of the game is to gain possession of the ball.

To score a goal it must come from a cross from a neutral player down the channel. The Neutral players can use different types of crosses.

Can your team use different types of movement to get away from your defenders and to get on the end of the cross to finish with a goal?

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